
The documentary “Jaume Cabré the music of the words” directed by Antoni Verdaguer and produced by Ikiru Films will participate in the official section of Fic-Cat.

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The thematic axis of the 16th edition of the FIC-CAT is Cinema and Literature. Taking advantage of this duality, which aims to give visibility to the relationship between Catalan Cinema and Literature, the Festival has decided to award a double Honorary Award in this edition. The main reason is its direct and explicit link with the thematic axis, and the ideal people to receive this award are Jaume Cabré, writer and screenwriter, and Antoni Verdaguer, director. In addition, both have formed a professional tandem on many occasions and, at the same time, they have been united by a good friendship since 1983. In fact, Verdaguer has made a documentary about the writer, entitled Jaume Cabré la música of the words and the world premiere will take place at the FIC-CAT, specifically on Sunday, June 2 at 9:30 p.m., when the Honorary Award will be presented.


Jaume Cabré

He is an indisputable reference for contemporary Catalan authors. He holds a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, ​​a member of the Philological Section of the Institute of Catalan Studies and Honorary Award for Catalan Letters. His literary work is focused on the novel and the short story, he has also written television and cinematographic scripts and published theater and reflection books on writing and reading. His work, in which titles such as Jo confesso or Les veus del Pamano stand out, has been translated into more than thirty languages ​​and has become one of the essential authors of the current international literary landscape.


Anthony Verdaguer

He has directed numerous short films, documentaries, commercials, industrial or institutional videos, programs and television series and the staging of the opera Nabucco by Verdi, in addition to a large number of feature films, such as La teranyina, adaptation of the novel Jaume Cabré’s namesake, or Havanera 1820. His documentary Jordi Dauder, la revolució pendent, won a Gaudí Award in 2013.